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Analysis, Data Viz, and Focus Groups

We specialize in the production of socially relevant research analyses and its translation into real-world practical applications. We concentrate our efforts within 5 knowledge zones: Crime, Poverty & Economic Analysis, Housing, Diversity/Inclusion, and Health Disparities. 

Quantitative, Qualitative, and Data Visualization


In this product area we focus on the development of descriptive and inferential data for:


Data collection:  TRA is well practiced in collecting primary survey data via individual in-person interviews or through electronic services.


Data Analysis: We can administer regression techniques and structural equation modeling to support predictive analyses.


Data Visualization: Our team of researchers can optimize primary or secondary data visualization in a fashion that effectively reaches technical and lay audiences. Please see one our latest projects at Tableau Public where we illustrate the relationship between crime rates and Chronic Economic Disadvantage.!/vizhome/MLI_VC_Fig_2/Sheet1


Focus group recruitment: Yes, we recruit focus group participants for any of our 5 knowledge zones.


Focus group administration: We are experienced in facilitating traditional focus groups as well as nominal group technique. 

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